
Microscope Practical Mechanism

  1. Check and clean it before use it for observation
  2. Bring it carefully and put it on the right table
  3. Open the diaphragm, arrange the mirror and condenser. Direct the mirror to the light source
  4. Lift up and down the macrrometer, watch through ocular until circle light can be seen. If it has, do not change the microscope position
  5. Make preparat (medium) as the instruction and put it down on the microscope table. Pinch the preparat glass by using pincher, so it will on the stabil position
  6. Find the object, change the lense enlargement as far as it’s need, from 5x until 45x
  7. Use the micrometer if the shadow/shade isn’t clear.
  8. Watch or draw the object carefully and correctly
  9. After finish with the observation, take the preparat and tidy all microscope parts like before. Clean it again
  10. Put the microscope on the cupboard

Making Preparat (Observation Object)

  1. to make thin slice
  2. to make cross or longitudinal section
  3. to make fresh preparat
  4. to open the animal body

Types of Microscope

Depend on the complexity of part or it’s enlargement :

  1. Monocular microscope
  2. Binocular microscope
  3. Light microscope
  4. Electrone microscope


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