Xiao Vee Giveaway

join this yeah, girls... http://www.xiaovee.com/2012/08/200-followers-giveaway.html

The giveaway prizes list:
1. Etude House Pink Makeup Purse
2. Vivelle Body Lotion (Hello Kitty version) - Yumi
3. Baviphat Mini Cherry Soul Trouble Catch Cleansing Foam
4. Mustika Ratu Masker Bengkoang
5. Pixy Bright Matte Cleansing Express
6. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair (7ml)
7. Clinique Repairwear Contour (15ml)
8. Nature Republic Snail Therapy 80 
(skin booster 5ml + emulsion 5ml)
9. Nature Republic Orchid Secret Highlighter (sample)
10. Etude House memo post SHINee edition
11. Double Eyelid Sticker (2 pcs)
12. Etude House Moistful Aloe Trial Kit
13. My Beauty Diary Facial Mask Blooming of Beauty - Lily
14. Nature Republic Shea Butter Mask Sheet


A Beiatiful Mind Giveaway

come on join this until july 13th 2012 and win cute prizes (look picture)
click http://sleepymallows.tumblr.com/post/25285955611/a-beiatiful-mind-giveaway

lovingsunshine's giveaway

jannahmarielopez giveaway

q0q0's Blog: Qoqo 4th Giveaway

qoqo is celebrating her 400+ follower, so she is hosting a giveaway right now :D
end: 30th July 2012, open internationally
check this out http://q00q00.blogspot.com/2012/06/qoqo-4th-giveaway.html

Lucky Winner Prize
1 set Sophie Monk's Natural Doll EyeLash (No.1)
1 elf Essential Lipstick - Flirtatious #7710
1 K-Palette 24H Real Lasting Eyeliner, WP (Super Black)
1 set Sasa Limited Edition Mini Nail Polish
1  Majolica Majorca Eye Shadow (GR162)
1 Essence Gel Eyeliner - Midnight in Paris 01


samispoon's giveaway

chaneltonnu's giveaway

come, visit, join, and win this supercute giveaway. hit now : http://chaneltonnu.blogspot.ca/2012/05/springsummer-2012-giveaway.html

panda-agenda's giveaway

hit now and join the giveaway ^^ : http://panda-agenda.blogspot.ca/2012/04/giveaway.html

Hayano and Ideku Hanmade Giveaway

Hi, Indonesian readers... join this giveaway to win 1 hanmade bag and 2 hanmade pouch. they are extremely cute and unique... hit this link : hayanohandmade.blogspot.com/2012_06_01_archive.html

Birthday Giveaway #6: Asianvogue Shop x As Told By Julz

Birthday Giveaway #4: Brown Belly x As Told By Julz

Nin Monster's Giveaway

As Told by Julz Giveaway

Girls, join this and win WIN ELF COSMETICS : http://networkedblogs.com/z9U8d

So Gelleesh's Birthday Giveaway

Rinny's Giveaway

Giveaway Prizes

Isqueen Miracle Lifting Night Waterpack
Mini Skin79 Oriental Gold BB Cream
E.L.F Luscious Liquid Lipstick in Perfect Pink, Strawberry, & Cherry Tart

Miranda's Giveaway

Suzanne's 1st Giveaway

come on join and win many cute things, Girls...
grab it fast : http://gleamace.blogspot.com/2012/06/my-1st-giveaway.html

i want to win this giveaway because there are many cute korean things, especially if i got dolly eye circle lens :D
they are very cute and dolly, i really like them... ^^

I invite you to join this giveaway too!!
And please put 'Irena Sugiarto (my name); irena_sugiarto@yahoo.com (my email)' at the "Who invited you?" section in the Rafflecopter if you know this giveaway from my blog. Thank you :D

Closet Voyage"Beauty's in the Bag" Giveaway

iambabypanda Giveaway

join and choose your own gift : eye, skin, or lips :D
click : http://www.iambabypanda.com/2012/06/iambabypandas-blogiversary-giveaway.html

SparkleApple : Luview Giveaway

come on join this LUVIEW Giveaway (for Indonesian only) at http://sparkleapple.blogspot.com/2012/06/luview-mega-giveaway-triple-baked.html

Sigma Eyeshadow Giveaway

Sigma Beauty's Eyeshadow Palette, just for you, Girls.
join http://dreammakeup-blog.blogspot.com/2012/04/sigma-beauty-eyeshadow-palette-giveaway.html

Lalaluna Blog's 1st Giveaway

Girls, join Lalaluna Giveaway to win cute nail polishes :p
hit : http://www.lalaluna.net/2012/06/lalalunas-blogwarming-giveaway.html

Sanamizeran 1st Giveaway

Lemonberry Lulu Giveaway

Lemonberry Lulu 200+ followers Giveaway : http://lemonberrylulu.blogspot.com/2012/05/lulus-200-followers-giveaway.html
don't forget to join this, girls :D opens internationally!!

Cominica Beauty Blog GEO Circle Lens Giveaway

Hi, Girls.
I'm coming with this Cominica's Circle Lens Giveaway by Tomato Shop
Click to join :D --> http://www.cominica.net/2012/05/turning-25-and-comi-circle-lens.html

Airi's First Giveaway

SPARKLEAPPLE Circle Lens Giveaway Sponsored MapleLens

Hi, Guys...
Now I'm back with a review of a giveaway held by Rindodo on Sparkle Apple and sponsored by MapleLens Online Lens Shop.

Interested?? You can click the link now... ^^

There will be 2 winner, a pair of circle lens for each from MapleLens.com. the most interesting things are winners are eligible to choose their preferable colors and prescriptions. More information, just visit sparkleapple.blogspot.com.

Thanks to see you again...
Ciao, Irena ^^

GAMES - My Friend or my Enemy??

Hi, Guys. Have you notice this picture?
I'm sure all of you know this. Yeah, this is MARIO BROS. A mascot of a video games.
Actually, what is game?

A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports/games) or art (such as jigsaw puzzle or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong, solitaire, or some video games).
Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an educational, stimulational, or psychological role. In playing video games, you need to manage your resources such as the time, your armor or your people. This is a virtual activity but it evolves abilities of resource management and testing. You learn to recognize the types of situations and react to them with determination. You learn to map the virtual world scenarios to those in the real world.


However, games come with 2 "child", they are GOOD EFFECT and BAD EFFECT.
If someone who plays the game respond it with positive mind and limits him/herself from "too much playing", games will come with GOOD effect more than BAD effect.

Playing video games involves problem solving, planning, estimation and analysis of the moves or actions of both you and your opponent. This affects the player positively by developing in him/her problem-solving skills, analytical and estimation skills and quick decision-making.
Video games give the means to channelize one's emotions in a positive way. Anger, hatred and such other negative feelings in a person's mind get a platform to come forth by way of a game. Players get to enact their frustrations in the virtual world. The player, in the virtual world of gaming makes new friends. All playing the same game, without having seen each other, become friends. This is an open relationship that develops between two people; as biases created by cast, creed or color, do not come into picture. Team spirit is another positive effect of video games. Many games require a team of people or partners to play together. This fosters teamwork and cooperation in children. It can induce leadership skills in a child.


But, if someone responds the game with negative mind, closed him/herself with real world, games will bring BAD effect more more than GOOD effect. Check out this list:
  1. An increase in emotional disorder symptoms
  2. An increase in and behavioral disorder symptoms
  3. Declines in verbal memory performance
  4. Somatic complaints
  5. Attention problems such as hyperactivity, ADD or ADHD
  6. Detrimental school performance (as video game usage increases, GPA and SAT scores decrease)
  7. Family interaction problems such as less positive parental relations
  8. Significant reduced amounts of slow-wave (REM) sleep
  9. Modifications in visual selective attention
  10. Playing violent video games is a significant risk factor for later physically aggressive behavior
That's why many parents worry, no doubt, about the effect video games have on their children.



Children below age 3 should not be allowed to play video games, as they are not appropriate for these children. The hands and arms of these children will not develop properly during this age period and there are chances of damage to the tendons in the hands and arms.
There are some pre-school games for children of age around 3. Allow your children to play such games, as they will not be violent. Also, make sure that the younger children are not playing the games of older ones.
The parents need to maintain the strict timing limits on number of hours for the children to play video games. Do not allow your children play video games more than half an hour as playing for hours together makes your children lose social skills necessary for triumph in school and life.
Being a parent, you should control the amount of time playing and content. Allow your children to play video games only after completing their homework properly. Also, see if your children are behaving politely with good manners.
You also need to observe your children from time to time for any affect of these video games on your children. Keep an eye on your children on what type of games they are playing.

So, who is GAME?? Friend or enemy?? It depends on yourself.

ciao for now,

Thank You...

Guys, I want to say thank you for all visitors and and your comment.
may you enjoy this blog.
don't forget to leave any messages or comment or chat. it helps me to make this blog better.
thank you :)


Hi, Guys!
seems like you enjoy reading this blog, thank you :)

Guys, I'm sure we sometimes feel that there's little time left.
That problem makes us feel unhealthy (sometimes).
I've just found a new idea to help us prevent sickness without decreasing our time

As we know, fruit contains many vitamins and minerals.
That's why in this post I would like to share how to make fruit salad simply and tastier
I think you have to try this

First, we have to prepare any kind of fruit that you want to eat. You can add as many as you want.
Then, cut and slice them. To save our time, just slice it normally, as long as we can eat it.
After that, put them in a bowl and mix it. This doesn't mean that you have to blend them. You just have to mix all kinds of fruit so they distribute in your bowl.
Finally, pour milk as much as you like. You can also replace milk with syrup or another beverage. If you want to make it more beautiful, you can add ice cream or whipe cream.

This is my own fruit salad. Don't look at it performance, just taste it. Very delicious... hmmm....

That's all guys. Simple, right? This is one of thousand ways to make our body healthy without wasting time, money, or our energy.

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